My sweet little boy is 6 months old today! Oh my gosh!
Poor little Joey. The past four nights he has woken up screaming in terror. It has been shocking and what’s worse is that he cannot be consoled. This is heart wrenching! I rock him and sing to him…doesn’t work. I give him kisses that he normally loves…doesn’t work. I put him in his swing, strap him in, start it, give it a push, stare at him holding my breath. “Please work, please work, oh God, please work!” Doesn’t work. Unstrap the baby, pick him up, hold him close, “oh sweetie, I’m so sorry!” I sing to him over and over.
We try the bouncy seat, maybe the vibration will help. Put him in, strap him in, turn on the vibration, turn on the music. Wait, hold my breath…nope. Not working. Oh my gosh! It’s killing me! My poor sweet baby!
Is he hungry? No. Is he scared…doesn’t seem to be. Poopy diaper? No.
So yesterday we had our well-baby appointment and I tell the doctor all about it. He asks…is he drooling a lot? Why, yes he is. Is he putting his hand n his mouth a lot? Why yes. Any low grade fevers? Yes. I’m sure if you are reading this and you have children, you know where this is going.
He’s teething. Darn. Poor baby. It’s supposedly going to be like this until he is two years old. Poor little boy! I did finally (after 2 and ½ hours) find something that helped him. He likes to lay on his tummy on the boppy alternating between gnawing on his hand and the fabric while he leans on me and I pat him on his bottom. And he doesn’t fall asleep during this time, he just likes it. It’s a killer at 1AM but at the same time I think to myself, “there’s no place I’d rather be!”
So here we go…teething time. I’m up for it and I have lots of tricks up my sleeve for this ride…cold things to suck on, washrags, maybe Baby Orajel in the future…I have plenty of ideas because I scoured the internet. Hopefully, I can make this as easy on him as possible.
So his well-baby appointment was interesting. The doctor wants him to start seeing a Pulmonary specialist. Joey has been through the ringer since birth with ventilators and lung issues. I remember when I was told his lung might pop because it was so over-inflated. They had to put him on a special oscillator and because he was fighting it so much, they had to paralyze him for 9 days. It was awful!
And with RSV season coming up, the doctor is very worried. I was unfamiliar with RSV so allow me to explain what I know. Apparently, it’s out and about during the fall and early spring. Most adults can carry it with no symptoms because we have a strong immune system. Babies are very susceptible to it because of their low immune system but preemie babies and especially babies who have ever been on a ventilator are most risk for it.
It is passed from person to person and if a baby gets it, it becomes very difficult to clear up. It can cause pneumonia, lead to further lung issues and hospitalization and eventually, the ventilator again. Our doctor stated specifically that lungs can “pop”. This is very bad news for a preemie baby who suffers from chronic lung disease. He absolutely cannot be anywhere near cigarette smoke or anyone who has been smoking. Apparently, third hand smoke is just as dangerous to Joey, the doctor says.
He will get a shot next month that will help him but I was told that he will need to stay indoors, basically live in a cave during RSV season. This begins in September and ends around March. And it’s important for the caregiver to do the same. I mean, I can go to the grocery store but avoid people and come straight home. No parties. No big get-togethers because remember…adults carry it without any symptoms or symptoms that look like simple allergies.
This is scary. And a little sad. There’s Thanksgiving and Christmas, his first ones. BUT, Joey is the most important thing and it’s Joey that matters and so we will do what is best for Joey! Maybe some small family get-togethers but only under very strict circumstances, doctor’s orders! I don’t want anything to happen to him, especially if I can prevent it and/or help the situation. I only hope everyone understands.
And of course this means no big 1st birthday party (sad face). Sigh…
He’s been congested lately but the doctor says it’s normal for babies. I don’t like it and he definitely hates the nose suction and nose drops (Baby Ayr).
Now that the retinal specialist has released him, we will start seeing the eye doctor for his right eye. It’s probable that he will get little baby eyeglasses soon. Say it with me now, ahhhhh…….
And next month, he will have surgery for his hernia and circumcision. I hate the idea of surgery, it scares me to death and I am very anxious about being back at the hospital. It stirs up such band memories.
Joey is doing great in therapy, he seems to be moving his neck well and holding his head better and better. He is favoring his right side (which is to be expected since he can’t see with his left eye) so we are working on techniques to help that. We lay him on the floor and try to get him to follow a toy with his eye. And I have to hold his head center and then twist it right, then left, then sideways both directions. What’s funny is that when the therapist is working with him, he has no fear and works so hard as if he is showing off. At the pediatrician’s office, he gave him nothing. He was not having it and what Joey wants, Joey gets. Joey is always really good about straightening his legs all the time. But he just would not do it for the doctor.
At the end of the month, he goes back as he will be 7 months old and we will decide if he will start on some solids. Wow! I can’t believe it! He has outgrown all his preemie clothes and barely fits some of his newborn clothes. He is fitting into 3 month clothes and it’s just crazy. He weighs 9 pounds 14.5 ounces. He’s such a big boy!
Poor baby had to get 2 shots and it was awful! He was screaming like crazy, real tears were flowing and the nurse lost the bandaid so she left to get another one and I couldn’t pick him up because he needed another shot! So while he was screaming, he got another shot. He was crying so hard that no sound came out of his little angry face and he was just red and tears were flowing. As soon as that bandaid was on, I scooped him up so fast and held him so tight. I told the nurse that I would leave when I could but I was going to comfort him. I was not going to put him in his carrier in that state and she said it was fine. It took about 10 minutes. I almost started crying myself.
I have decided to start grief therapy. A friend of mine referred me to someone and I got a really good feeling when I called. Instead of a voicemail or answering service like with most therapists, a receptionist answered and she was so kind. I asked her if I could bring Joey if I couldn’t find someone to watch him and she said, “of course!” After I assured her that after a car ride, he usually just slept in his carrier, she said, “well if not, it’s no problem, you can leave him with me out here and I will watch him.” Is that not the nicest ever?!?! Fortunately, my mom is coming that day to watch him so it works out. But it’s comforting to know there are options. I have really been having a hard time lately and I’m hoping this will help. He’s a Christian counselor and has gotten rave reviews from a friend who lost her father.
So this is where we are…sweet Joey is 6 months old today! What a journey he’s had so far! I love him more and more every day and I just cannot believe how big my heart seems to keep on growing!
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3 years ago
Hi Andy! I have followed your story on FB and am also a fellow blogger - so yea - I get to follow you here now!! :-) I have thought to write you often but never have - but today I just had to say hello! He he!
ReplyDeleteI stay home with my four babies - not really babies anymore - my youngest weighs a whooping 32 pounds - she will be 4 yrs old in a few days! I grew up in Tomball and was on the drill team - many, many years ago :-) Mrs. Melton was my instructor and I loved her!!
Before I stayed home taking care of sweet babies - I was a psychologist/counselor (I only have my master's degree - at least so far - you never can tell!). I worked with women who had been involved in traumatic situations from an abusive relationship to losing a child. I loved my ladies!! And they came to love me - mostly because God blessed me with the gift of empathy. If I see you hurting - I hurt too! It doesn't matter if I have experienced the same things - I can put myself with you and FEEL your pain and then (because of LONG hours of training my mind to work this way!) help you through it to the other side of the pain! I am SO glad you found someone to TALK to - I hope it helps you as much as I saw it help some of the women I worked with. Writing is also so great and therapeutic! And you do it SO WELL!
Teething stinks - but I suppose it would be worse to have no teeth!! Mine all came through it fine - they always found it very comforting to bite my neck while I comforted them. Me, not so much!! Two of my kids (my 8 yr old daughter and 5 yr old little boy) have night terrors. It is probably the teething with Joey since he has the other symptoms - but I just wanted to relay this to you just in case :-) Both of them also had fever seizures when they were two (and they are suppose to be rare - they don't feel rare to ME!) Anyway, babies who have had a seizure tend to have a lower threshold for that type of thing - and night terrors are very closely related. The worse thing about them - not being able to console my babies! It is WAY hard - but the best thing is to not try and wake them up - that makes it so much worse. I just pat them lightly and sing softly (my babies are use to hearing me sing and are comforted by it). They eventually fall off back to sleep and then LOVE to hear the story about it in the morning because they don't remember a thing! They love stories about stuff they can't remember :-)
Anyway, just some friendly info from one mother to another! I am so happy that Joey is getting so big and strong! He must bring you so much joy in your pain! I am praying for you sister and lifting you up daily. And I know you already know it, but God has a special place in His heart for those who suffer and refuse to turn from Him during their suffering. He is holding you right now sweet Andi - just as you hold Joey. Trying to console you, hurting so much for you and loving you through it all!!
Have a wonderful week and I hope we can 'talk' or 'blog' or what ever you want to call this - again really soon!
In His Love,
Teething stink and it does last until they are two. We use Hylands Teething Tablets. You can get them at Target. They are homeopathic and never expire, about $4.00 for 100 little tablets. They dissolve with a very minimal amount of spit and work GREAT! I wish that I would have had them for my first daughter.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that Joey is 6 months already. Time flies. He is getting so big now!
ReplyDeleteSo pleased that you are writing a new blog and trying to deal with all that you are faced with right now. Ditto on the Hyland's tablets they are fabulous! My oldest daughter would stand in her crib crying and point at them on her dresser. Good luck with pulmonary, RSV is scary and you are right to be cautious. I speak from experience that you do need to be cautious during RSV season but you should be able to do the family holiday celebration as long as everyone knows they can not be sick around Joey, not even a sniffle. Take care and try to get some rest with that teething. Gina
I can't believe Joey is 6 months old. He is so adorable! I miss cuddling with him, but know he is so much happier being able to cuddle with his mom at 3 am!! I miss y'all and will continue to pray for you!